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Jul 25, 202224 min read
What is music therapy - the view from cognitive science (long post)
Contents 1 - Literature review.. 1.1 – Introduction; a cognitive scientific view of music therapy. 1.1.1 – What music therapy...
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May 22, 20229 min read
An open letter to policy makers on the Autism spectrum disorders bill (2017)
Neuroscientific contributions to the development of public health policy for early intervention in Autism spectrum disorders; why music...
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Jun 21, 202114 min read
Integrated information theory and the Enactive tradition; from language to culture.
What is language? The answer one might get to this question is likely to be entirely dependent upon to whom it is asked. If you ask a...
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Jan 12, 202114 min read
Comparing models of music perception
Theoretical divergence in cognitive science: comparisons of neuroscientific and computational models of music perception Music, much like...
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Dec 22, 202013 min read
What is it like to be a photon?
What is it like to be a photon? What is it like to be a photon? This question is asked in a context that is all too familiar with the...
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Dec 14, 202014 min read
Music therapy and neuroscience; Interpersonal synchronization in borderline personality disorder
An examination of methodological variation in the investigation of interpersonal factors problematic to individuals living with...
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Oct 19, 20201 min read
Munster music therapy blog
Hello and welcome! Danny here from Munster Music Therapy. The aim of this blog section is to provide an educational resource for anybody...
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