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General information links

Here you will find a wide range of links that may answer some of the more general questions that you have about music therapy.

Inside of Hot Air Balloon

How to become a music therapist in Ireland

The Irish world academy of music and dance

Here is a link to the Irish world academy of music and dance. The only accredited path to becoming a music therapist in Ireland

What it takes to be a music therapist interview with music therapist Clara Rose.

This is one music therapists story...

What are the benefits of music therapy?

An article from positive psychology

Positive psychology gives a brief breakdown of some of the benefits of music therapy. This article includes some activities that you may engage in whilst participating in group music therapy sessions with both adults and children.

Neurologic music therapy

The academy of neurologic music therapy

This link will lead you to the official website of the academy of neurologic music therapy. This is the centre of research and development in the exciting field of neurologic music therapy.

More about music therapy

Follow the button below to find out what Dr. Mary Williams R.N. D.C. from CPR certified has to say about the health benefits of music therapy

Even more information about music therapy

Click on the button below to be lead to 'online MFT programs' information about music therapy

With thanks to Students4research for the suggestion!

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